For those among you who won't not have seen the first ECW or looked at any of the autonomous advancements in the U.S.A., New Jack is an in-your-face wrestler. Indeed, Hardcore is most likely not the right word for it, New Jack's matches oftentimes finished in bloodbaths. In the first ECW, he was known for turning out with a shopping basket loaded with weapons to the tune of "Normal Born Killaz" by Dr Dre and Ice Cube. 

What's more, we're talking real, fitting weaponry – right up 'til today, he's the main wrestler I've seen convey Wolverine Claws to the ring. I regard him as one of the straightest, most sensible gentlemen in the business, yet in the meantime, he is actually the main wrestler I would mull over requesting that take a photo with, in light of the fact that he is honest to goodness insanse.

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